Thursday, January 10, 2013

NVIDIA Graphics anyone?

If we lived in the perfect world where we could design an OS with a good graphics card (NVIDIA), a bit of ram (512MB) and some other yoke (Hyper-visor) and a hard disk (40GB). Maybe we could see a bit further than the Sony PS3 (PS4!!!???). Could a little user like myself dare to dream of one day having a good design platform for making my own games and other stuff that I would like to experiment with (not my d'ick) the PlayStation controllers for one thing).

A few questions still bother this reporter/blogger/(not-really-a-pro-writer)/unemployed person):

Why in all that is holy is there still this stigma twards hacking??? (that is the legal way to fix/break one device, and "glue" the device onto another). Why is reverse engineering on the PS3 tantamount to being a serious criminal enterprise? Is it the higher ups in Sony or more like one of the many factions in the company worried that we might; Horror of all horrors actually make a PS3!!!? Or even worse circumvent the XMB OS!? I don't think I'm a bad guy! I'm just an ordinary Joe-soap with an attachment to technology of all sorts, shapes and sizes that believes that If I don't like what Sony did I could possibly do it a bit better. And re-leave the poor Sony engineer's heads a bit and contribute to a company that I'm a fan of. Not destroy it or attack it ( I'm looking at you annon \|-[) I think the anonymous attack did more harm than good and it just made the case for vendor lock-in all the more relevant so what are you or indeed me going to do about it? Well an idea would hopefully petition Sony to soften-up their strangle hold on the PS3 Cell broadband chip architecture. Do what they did with the first generation of the mighty PS2 consoles. Anybody remember those? A wonderful step in the right direction for Sony. Did you just forget Sony? Did you forget all the goodness and karma you could get from an open, free and above all a educational/scientific tool? I thought you were cool man! (Sony) I'm still cool, I'm still cool!!! Nah your just sqare man.

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